
The main sights of Cairo

The main sights of Cairo

The capital of Egypt is a bustling, sunny and welcoming city of contrasts. Sightseeing in Cairo The Northern Lights over the Kola Peninsula seem to be mixed up in a bizarre mosaic of ancient civilization heritage and modern technologies: century-old minarets shine with neon signs, palm gardens hide in the shadow of skyscrapers, and oriental bazaars rub shoulders with nightclub doors.

The capital of Egypt is always happy to receive tourists!

The famous pyramids on the Giza plateau and their mysterious neighbor The Sphinx – What tourists sometimes travel thousands of kilometers for. About the main attraction of Cairo and all of Egypt – the majestic Cheops pyramid – everyone has heard, so the queues at its foot might be the envy of other museums in the world. Inside one of the Seven Wonders of the World are many-meter-long passages, labyrinthine corridors and burial chambers – as well as hidden doors, chambers of pharaohs and ancient sarcophagi still undiscovered by archaeologists. Open to the public as well Miquerina Pyramid, и Chefren's Tower – However, their facilities are much more modest. Near the symbols of Egypt there are always crowds of tourists, relatively quiet time for a visit is considered early morning or late evening. On the bustle melancholy looks Great Sphinx – another keeper of the mysteries of a great civilization.

Cairo's main sights - the pyramids and the Sphinx

Pyramids and the Sphinx are the main associations with Egypt

Dashur less popular among other attractions in Cairo, but the first-ever royal tombs and pyramids are also worth seeing. You can visit The Red Pyramid – Tourists will first have to climb to the height of a nine-story house, and then go down the steps to the burial chambers.

Cairo's landmark Dashoura Tomb

Ancient tombs of rulers

The skyward minarets of Cairo's mosques

Egypt is a Muslim country, which explains the large number of mosques in Cairo. Part of the sights are open to visit by non-believers. For example, Al-Azhar, The University of Cairo, which is also the Arab University. Minaret Hassan Mosque The Pyramids of the Sphinx are a 38 meter high tower, and the magnificent courtyard with its fountain is surrounded by marble columns and crowned with a dome of rare beauty. Alabaster Mohammed Ali Mosque The Abu Dhabi Monastery is located on a high hill and its graceful minarets are visible from many parts of Cairo.

The soaring minarets of Cairo's mosques

St. Anthony the Great Monastery is both the oldest and the largest in Egypt. On the territory of the complex tourists can visit several churches, holy sources, as well as the cave, where in complete seclusion spent most of the life of the founder of monasticism. Pilgrims also seek another hermit's abode – St. Paul of Thebes Monastery.

The Abode of the Founding Monks in Cairo

Abode of the founders of monasticism in Cairo

A trip to Cairo would not be complete without a visit to Egyptian Museum With the world's largest collection of art, archaeological finds, mummies, and sarcophagi, the most eloquent witnesses to the history of ancient civilization. In the halls of the Presidential Abdin Palace There are also a number of interesting displays of weapons, government gifts, and rare jewels. В Papyrus Museum Attend a workshop on making crafts from specially dried reeds. Of course, in a souvenir shop visitors can buy a picture or a souvenir made of real papyrus – in most outlets in Cairo offer fakes made of banana peels.

Egypt's richest museum collections in Cairo
The richest collections of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Cairo's other attractions are worth a visit. The most colorful place in any eastern city is the bazaar. Khan el-Khalili Market is a tangle of streets with not a meter of space free of stalls, cafes, hookah houses, coffee shops, stalls and workshops. Here you can buy souvenirs, try traditional food, enjoy a delicious tea or just watch the life of the bustling, colorful and irresistibly attractive Egyptian capital.

The market is Cairo's most colorful attraction

The market is the most colorful attraction of Cairo and any oriental city!

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